Harvest Monday

February 23, 2015

Same ole, same ole. We are only harvesting eggs right now. We are up to a dozen/day. Love it! πŸ™‚

We had snow and ice this week. I was unable to plant anything (even though my calendar says I am supposed to) or even go outside much. Brr. More snow is forecasted for this week. I realize we are not alone.

Even though more snow is forecasted in the upcoming week, our temps are rising. We are getting out of the single digits and teens and into the 20s as lows.

In other news…our bulbs are starting to poke through the mulch!!!Nieto Photography 2015 Nieto Photography 2015These pics were pre-snow/ice. They did make it through the precipitation however πŸ™‚ Speaking of…You can see, I do have some greenhouses planted already (celery, onions, lettuces, broccoli, cabbage, and kale).Nieto Photography 2015I am hoping to be able to plant some more greenhouses this week. The ground is still frozen so nothing in the soil yet… I also need to clean out the coop and I’ll spread the manure in my future sweet potato patch. This may or may not happen…if they daytime highs don’t get out of the 30s, I may have little motivation to work outside.

I am chomping at the bits to spend some time outside (as are my kids!) and I know I am not alone! Check out what other gardeners are up to at Daphne’s Dandelions.

7 thoughts on “Harvest Monday

  1. daphnegould

    We are getting some days in the 30s now, Though still a lot in the teens. I can’t wait for it to get warmer. The small taste of warmth I had on Sunday was really nice.

  2. Margaret

    Bulb foliage peaking through is a sure sign that spring is just around the corner…I wish ours would hurry up but I have a feeling it’s going to be late again like last year.

  3. sagimoon54

    Here in the mountains of NC flower bulbs are starting to emerge & this is usually one of our worse winter months here. :~/


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