Planting Brassicas

April 16, 2015

Our last frost date is April 21st. However, the last time we had a frost was Easter and there are no frosts in the 10 day forecast. So, I am going ahead and planting everything out. It takes me quite a while, as I have to schedule everything around the baby, who is not a fan of long naps 😉 Every time my 10mo takes a nap, I plant! When she wakes up, I nurse her, homeschool the older ones, and feed the older ones. Next nap, we head back outside. We barely finish school every day (we are normally done by lunch) and my house is a wreck! But that’s just how it is this time of the year.

I planted out 50 cabbage transplants from my greenhouses Monday. My goal was to grow 34 heads in the spring and 34 in the fall. Some of the transplants were pitiful so we’ll see how many survive. It rained Tuesday evening and on and off Wednesday so that really helped get them established. Cabbages do better in the fall in our area but I figure, if I have the transplants, might as well plant them and see what happens.Nieto Photography 2015(my only issue with woodchips is that small things (in pictures) are difficult to see 😉 )Nieto Photography 2015(ready to be covered) Nieto Photography 2015(some green cabbages)

I planted out 38 broccoli transplants from my greenhouses Tuesday. Nieto Photography 2015My goal was to grow 52 heads in the spring and 52 in the fall. So far this is the only plant I am ‘behind’ on. In order to grow that many though, I’ll need to find more room. As it is, I had to add two more hoops to my low tunnels. I now have 100 square feet planted in broccoli.

Nieto Photography 2015(again, sorry it’s hard to see but they’re there 🙂 )

Wednesday was kale-planting day. I planted out 63 kale transplants and added a hoop to the kale low tunnel (75 sq. ft. of kale). The plan was to plant 20 in the spring and 20 in the fall. Ah, well, you can never have too much kale! 🙂Nieto Photography 2015

Rain is forecasted all week. Once all the storms taper off, I’m going to cover all of the brassicas so the cabbage worms won’t decimate them this year.Nieto Photography 2015(These milk jug greenhouses made it two years but I think I’m going to have to make more next year.)

The plan is to continue to plant until I’m done…whenever that happens! Today, I’ll plant the lettuce, tomorrow onions, Saturday cabbage, then I’ll be done with transplants. Next week, I’ll start on planting out all the seeds: more carrots, beets, lettuce, spinach, and peas…then I’ll tackle the warm-weather veggies!

Next post, I’ll be reporting on chicks!…or lack-thereof. They are due today. We’ll see!

I am linking up to Green Thumb Thursdays today.

5 thoughts on “Planting Brassicas

  1. daphnegould

    I agree – you can never have too much kale. Though I’m not sure what I’d do with over 60 plants. That would be hard to keep up with.

    1. newbiegardengirl Post author

      i’m trying to feed our family and 4 others this year AND feed our chickens from the garden so that is the reason for the craziness in planting. i guess i’m trying to make the leap from garden to farm this year…without making any money…whatever that makes me (crazy) 😉


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