March 11, 2013

Just wanted to let you know I’m still alive πŸ™‚

We are in the middle of building our chicken coop.

Day1: get all of the materials, build floor & 1 wall.

Day 2: build the rest of the walls.

Day 3: finish coop…well, mostly…well, that’s the plan anyway. Day 3 is tomorrow. Pics will be up as soon as we’re done.

Right now, the chicks, though only a week old, are HUGE. Their wings are in and they are hop/flying enough to make me nervous, as they are still in a box in my kitchen/living room. They are eating and pooping like crazy. They are cute to look at but I am ready for them to be out of my house!

I planted some peas and carrots yesterday and am planning on planting some more seeds in my greenhouses…again, pics to come. Thx for being patient!

2 thoughts on “

  1. Rachel

    In regards to your Greenhouses link (milk jugs) That is SO awesome! I will have to implement that next winter. We have a raised bed garden (RBG). It helps to plant already established items instead of starting from seed in the RBG, for me. And this will take some of the expense out of it πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing!

  2. newbiegardengirl Post author

    I planted more today. Of what I planted previously, only the kale came up (no tomatoes, green peppers, lettuce, or flowers) but because we have energy efficient windows, starting seeds inside (without buying a bunch of stuff) is not possible so I am going to continue to try this season and see what happens. It does not cost anything so there is nothing to lose and quite a bit to gain so….we’ll see! πŸ˜€


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